Saturn’s iconic rings will briefly vanish from view, a rare astronomical event caused by a quirk of planetary alignment. As ...
Are you preparing for UPSC CSE Prelims 2025? Check your progress and revise your topics through this quiz on Science and ...
Skywatchers will get a rare chance to see Saturn in its full glory, without chunks of ice and rock swarming around it. Saturn will temporarily lose its iconic look from our viewpoint on Earth ...
Saturn's iconic rings will appear to disappear in March 2025 due to a rare ring-plane crossing event, but astronomers assure ...
Saturn’s Moons and Their Influence on the Rings Saturn is home to at least 145 known moons, many of which interact with the ring system in fascinating ways.Some of these are called shepherd ...
A shell of icy objects at the edge of the solar system known as the Oort cloud has a pair of spiral arms that resemble a miniature galaxy, new research suggests.
Saturn has 274 moons recognized by the International Astronomical Union. The number of moons increased substantially in March 2025 when 128 new moons were discovered by a team led by Edward Ashton ...
A theory involving a "mushy zone" of ice along the moon’s fissures could explain the enormous plumes erupting from its south pole. Saturn's icy moon Enceladus has long been considered a ...
By Jonathan O’Callaghan Jonathan O’Callaghan reported on an earlier discovery of 62 moons around Saturn in 2023. Astronomers say they have discovered more than 100 new moons around Saturn ...
Faint signatures detected by the Canada France Hawaii Telescope have revealed 128 new moons around Saturn, making it the indisputable frontrunner for having the most moons in our solar system.
But one backyard astrophotographer has shattered that notion with a stunning photo of the Andromeda Galaxy, revealing individual ... system’s planets, like Saturn. But his most recent photograph ...
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope was recently used to capture direct images of four Saturn-like exoplanets in a solar system 130 light-years away.