A new clinical trial has shown for the first time that taking high doses of vitamin D could stave off the progression of ...
contains an expert-recommended safe amount of vitamin D (that isn’t classified as high-dose, though some people may be advised to take a higher dose) and is readily online — aside from being ...
An increasingly popular vitamin with a candy-like appearance could pose a huge health risk for kids if not taken correctly ...
Sun exposure can help most people boost their vitamin D levels. Your body makes vitamin D when cells in your skin come into contact with ultraviolet rays from the sun. After sun exposure, these cells ...
Vitamins and minerals are usually only needed in small amounts and too much of a good thing can be bad for you.
Breastfed infants and children with certain medical conditions are also susceptible to vitamin D deficiency. If a healthcare professional has recommended a vitamin D supplement for calcium ...
The sun is one of the best sources of vitamin D for the human body. How much sun a person needs per day depends on factors such as skin type, the season, and cloud coverage. Vitamin D is an ...
It is possible to take too much vitamin D, which can have adverse effects, so do speak with your healthcare provider to find out which dose is right for you before beginning any new supplement ...
The popular vitamin with a sweet-like appearance could pose a huge health risk for kids if not taken correctly ...
Opens in a new tab or window Share on LinkedIn. Opens in a new tab or window High-dose vitamin D reduced disease activity in early MS and CIS compared with placebo. Patients taking vitamin D had a ...