A section of the costal path between the Kingston Roundabout and Anderson Street, Port Glasgow will remain closed until Friday 28 March.
The number of crashes at 96th Street and Allisonville Road in Fishers soared after a roundabout was constructed last Fall to replace the old, signaled intersection.
After going around in circles for years, the government has finally committed to fixing the most hated roundabout in the country - by splurging $150million on an upgrade. The notorious ...
Additional roundabouts for Cheshire Road are coming next year, according to the just-issued 2025-26 Road Construction Guide ...
This roundabout and another roundabout at Lone ... On the north side of the street, a 10-foot-wide multi-use path is planned, providing connections to Sequiota Park and Galloway Greenway Trail ...
A Perth and Kinross councillor said anyone who needed told not to turn into the path of oncoming traffic "should not be ...