The reverse of this coin shows 'Concord', the Roman goddess of agreement, understanding, and marital harmony.Domitianus was probably a Roman soldier of the mid-third century AD who was acclaimed ...
Councillors Tony Wallis, Hannah Appleyard and Richard Forster show off coin moulds from the collection Coin moulds which were used for counterfeiting money during Roman times are to go on display ...
He dug down and unearthed a Roman coin. Before long, he'd found 50 coins spread out in a small area of the field. Now, the 'once in a lifetime' haul - dating to the late third century - is set to ...
This Roman silver denarius coin was one of 5294 British Iron Age and Roman coins excavated at a Late Iron Age shrine near Hallaton, Leicestershire. It has been dated to c. 211 BC, making it ...
The denarii date from the late Roman Republic to the reign of Marcus Aurelius and his wife Faustina, and were found at Barton Bendish, Norfolk. Coin specialist Adrian Marsden said the loss might ...
Subsequent analyses revealed that the coin dates from the time of Emperor Claudius, who ruled the Roman Empire from A.D. 41 to 54. The coin was likely put there as an offering, the researchers noted.
The most famous ruler featured in the hoard is arguably the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (reigned from A.D. 161 to 180), while his wife, Faustina II, is portrayed on a coin of her own. Aurelius ...
Four of the coins date to the reign of Marcus Aurelius, who was played by Richard Harris in the first Gladiator film, with the earliest dating from AD166 (above) [Andrew Williams/Norfolk County ...