A storm hydrograph is a graph to show how and when a rainfall event affects the discharge of a river. The amount and intensity of the rainfall is not the only factor influencing the shape of the ...
This is called lag time. The normal (base) flow of the river starts to rise when run-off, ground and soil water reaches the river. This is shown on the hydrograph as the rising limb.
Abby received her BS in Environmental Earth Science from Tulane University in 2018. She completed an honors thesis evaluating the organic and mineral content of suspended sediment in the Mississippi ...
The Shade River near Chester, OH is in flood stage and the hydrograph appears to be showing that it’s near crest Sunday morning, running between 19 and 20 feet. No official forecast is available.
Historically, the Deschutes River had relatively stable flows and ample vegetation that stabilized its banks. Since construction of the Wickiup and Crane Prairie dams, the hydrograph on the Deschutes ...