Social Security imposes a steep penalty for claiming benefits before your FRA. If I begin receiving retirement benefits at age 62, I'll make 30% less than I would if I waited until my FRA of 67. And ...
People are steadily extending their careers and working longer. According to research by The Motley Fool, today's average retirement age is 62, up from 59 in 2002. People also expect to work longer ...
What's the most popular age to file for Social Security retirement benefits? It's 62 -- by far. Many Americans are ready to retire as early as possible after working for decades. I understand the ...
Although one could argue that the cultural retirement age is 65, and Social Security retirement age is 67, many households want to cross the finish line a little bit early. But 62 is the earliest you ...
TransAmerica also found that the median retirement age was 62, even though 49% of non-retired workers said they planned to quit after age 65. If you haven’t prepared for the possibility of ...