Treatment with thermal ablation was noninferior to surgical resection in small-size colorectal liver metastases, according to ...
Resection is another name for any operation that removes tissue or part of an organ. Bowel resection, also called partial colectomy, removes a diseased or damaged part of the colon or rectum. Bowel ...
Liver resection is recommended to treat some types of cancer originating in the liver (hepatocellular cancer, bile duct cancer, and gallbladder cancer), and occasionally benign liver tumors that are ...
Both lobectomy and segmentectomy demonstrated better outcomes than wedge resection, which had a 5-year OS of 66.3 per cent and a 10-year OS of 41.4 per cent. This research highlights the profound ...
A new machine learning model predicts the need for temporary stoma formation after intestinal resection in Crohn’s disease, ...
The following is a summary of "Prophylactic cranial irradiation improved the prognosis in pT1-2N0M0 small cell lung cancers ...
The following is a summary of “A Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis of Postoperative Analgesic Techniques in Thoracoscopic Lung ...
Candel Therapeutics (CADL) announced final overall survival data from the completed randomized controlled phase 2 clinical trial of CAN-2409 ...