The pliosaur was a carnivorous reptilian apex predator that roamed and ruled the seas for millions of years during the ...
The face is one of the most distinctive features of vertebrates, diverged widely among species while maintaining a highly ...
The Gunnison County Library offered a glimpse into the Mesozoic Era with a “T-rex T-party” storytime on March 8. The young audience, some dressed as dinosaurs, danced around with egg-shaped maracas to ...
Scientists uncovered a 149-million-year-old bird fossil in southeastern China with unexpectedly modern traits they believe could rewrite the evolutionary history of birds.
How did mammalian faces evolve from reptilian ones? Our study describes the morphological details of mouse craniofacial ...
The last time a party pulled off three or more consecutive majorities in Ontario was a string of eight mandates the PCs won ...
An investigation led by the ATF resulted in the arrest of eight alleged members of the Oakland Crips in Dallas as well as the ...
These reptilian relics are the only remaining representatives of a family of turtles that traces its evolutionary roots back more than 100 million years. Once prevalent in every ocean except the ...
The Chinese zodiac designation makes 2025 the perfect year for presents with reptilian designs. By Victoria Gomelsky About 25 years ago, the jewelry designer Sylvie Corbelin was at the Musée ...
The event gave people of all ages a chance to interact with live turtles, snakes, alligators and other reptiles for free.