Reparative Futures is a £10 million programme. It aims, through a series of targeted initiatives, to redress some of the systemic injustices arising from the transatlantic trafficking of enslaved ...
“Reparative journalism is explicit in its commitment to doing the work of racial justice, and by extension — without apology — social justice.” This is not a prediction about 2021 as much as it is a ...
The case confirms the assertion of reparative claims for copyright infringement is subject to strict requirements.
True reparative justice means that Africa’s resources must work for Africa, he said. Fourth, Gatete said, leaders must recognise that Africa’s strength extends beyond its borders.
Reparative Futures of Education (Repair-Ed for short) is a five-year project examining past and present inequalities across Bristol within the primary school sector, focusing particularly on race and ...
Cardiovascular Reparative Medicine and Tissue Engineering (CRMTE) aims to develop future technologies and therapeutic strategies that will serve as treatment for cardiovascular disease. CRMTE includes ...
We are really proud that New York state is only the second state to establish a statewide effort to look at reparations and ...
Morningstar brands and products Company Portfolio ...
The Accountability Partners are a group of individuals who come with a broad range of backgrounds and expertise. They have a shared interest in reparative work and a desire to help the University ...