Comparative algorithms help landlords bring rentals to market more quickly and encourage more housing development.
Portland City Councilor Angelita Morillo has crafted an ordinance that would ban the use of AI software by landlords to set ...
Oregon lawmakers are considering banning the use of AI to set rents, and limiting the exceptions to the state’s rent ...
Investigators say Michael Gerard altered data in the software program, avoiding rent payments for more than a decade.
It is a shame that so much time, effort, and taxpayer money were wasted when the real solution was staring at us in the face all along: build more housing.
The Berkeley City Council recently voted to ban rent pricing technology that uses artificial intelligence, saying the tools ...
Lawmakers are currently deliberating Senate Bill 722, which aims to prohibit property managers and landlords from using ...
TurboTenant takes a deep dive into how to rent out a house effectively and efficiently—how to understand legal elements, ...