RENO, OH. (WTAP) - A magnitude 2.8 earthquake happened near Reno, Ohio around 6 p.m. Monday Evening. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake has an official time of 5:58 pm.
The Earthquake Engineering Lab is home to our three biaxial shake tables as well as our 6-degree-of-freedom table. The building includes 29,000 square feet of laboratory, office and auditorium space.
See a map of where the earthquakes hit » At Jesse Beck Elementary School in Reno, there have been three earthquake drills in the past month, prompted by the string of quakes that began in February.
A recent shake table test at the University of Nevada, Reno, revealed that in the retrofitted model the lateral load has to ... strong simulated Sylmar record with target peak acceleration of 1.2g ...
It huffed and puffed, but the 82-ton-force, earthquake-simulation shake table could not knock down the straw house designed and built by University of Nevada, Reno alumna and civil engineer Darcey ...
The U.S. Geological survey reports that a 3.0 magnitude has struck Magee, Mississippi on Saturday, the same day tornadoes touched down in the region.
Two sheds, a tree row and several brush piles burned in a fire that lasted into the early morning southwest of Hutchinson.