纵观历史,每个时代都认为自己比前一个时代更具知识性。文艺复兴时期的人文主义者将中世纪视为黑暗时期,启蒙思想家试图用理性扫除迷信,现代福利国家致力于战胜"无知"这个巨人,而在当今这个高度互联的世界中,似乎可以随时获取无限的信息。 但是,那些在几个世纪中失落的知识呢?我们真的比我们的祖先更少无知吗?
the Middle Ages were a period of massive social change, burgeoning nationalism, international conflict, terrible natural disaster, climate change, rebellion, resistance and renaissance.
and “Renaissance-ism.” As always, we also welcome papers on any and every topic related to the Middle Ages or the Renaissance as well as papers on medievalism. We plan to hold the 45th Annual Medieval ...
Though our cultural fascination with the Middle Ages is perennial, the recent revival of pseudo-medieval aesthetics reveals a ...
Musician Iwo Jedynecki performed a theme from the Harry Potter movies on a modern portative accordion, an instrument used in ...
Silva, assistant professor of English at Oklahoma State University, will deliver a talk at 11:50 a.m. today in Kimpel Hall 409 titled ...
It is about 8am, on the morning of the 23rd of January 1483. Anselm Adornes, a member of that famous family from Bruges, is ...
Taking classes offered by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies will introduce you to the middle ages with opportunities to learn about the Vatican Film Library and Pius XII Library’s Rare ...
Less than 40 miles southeast of downtown Phoenix, in the middle of the desert, one can transport themselves to a 16th century European village.
Beginning in the Middle Ages, and lasting beyond the Renaissance, the Doge was the chief magistrate of the Republic of Venice, one of the freest and most powerful republics in Europe for more than ...