Yes, it must be tempered by reality. If anybody doubted why the men in red had lost 16 on the bounce, after this — the 17th and England’s record win in Wales — they know now. But that was ...
If that feels dismissive of England’s opposition, it is worth remembering that the Red Roses have won 50 of their last 51 games (with that harrowing World Cup final defeat the lone exception ...
After England finally regained the Calcutta Cup, they also moved closer to Six Nations leaders Ireland. The 16-15 triumph over Scotland has seen Red Rose end the day in second place with 10 points.
Lilli Ives Campion and Mia Venner will make their full Red Roses debuts when England kick off their Women's Six Nations campaign against Italy in York on Sunday. Loughborough Lightning lock Ives ...
We don't have a place for that in our sport. I think he's very fortunate that that hasn't been upgraded to a red.' Ex-England fly-half Andy Goode blasted the bunker's decision, arguing that they ...