Riverside forests help trees migrate between Amazon and Atlantic forests, shaping biodiversity over millions of years.
Devon Wildlife Trust is transforming fields near Totnes to create a temperate rainforest.
The Celtic rainforest used to stretch all across Britain but over the centuries (thanks to destructive human activity) has shrunk to just one percent of the country’s land area. Right now, a ...
Forests flanking Brazil's rivers act as "highways" that have allowed tree species to move between the Amazon and Atlantic ...
For millions of years, tree species have spread from the Amazon to Atlantic rainforests across a region that’s too arid for them to grow. How exactly they make this challenging journey has been ...
Riverside forests in Brazil have facilitated continuous tree migration between the Amazon and Atlantic rainforests. DNA ...
Peru’s boiling river reaches 210°F, killing animals instantly. Scientists found biodiversity drops by 11% for every 1.8°F ...
The majestic kapok tree in the Amazon rainforest forms a gigantic habitat. Its canopy of leaves, almost 50 meters high, ...
More than a 100 local people have devoted hundreds of hours to planting species - including oak, rowan, alder, hazel, birch, ...
Thousands of native trees have been planted in a bid to create a new rainforest - in Devon. This winter has seen 2,500 native ...
Thousands of native trees have been planted in a bid to create a new rainforest - in Devon. This winter has seen 2,500 native trees planted at Devon Wildlife Trust’s Bowden Pillars site ...