Parallel quantification of large numbers of messenger RNA transcripts using microarray technology promises to provide detailed insight into cellular processes involved in the regulation of gene ...
Ten different cell lines were chosen for Universal Human Reference RNA, providing optimal coverage on human microarrays; these can be used as a reference sample for any microarray experiment.
and the microarray experiment phase (labeling of the RNA). In a microarray experiment the glass slide with the labeled DNA of interest plays a key role. As can be seen, a solid surface (in this ...
One way they do this is to use a DNA microarray to determine the expression levels of genes. When a gene is expressed in a cell, it generates messenger RNA (mRNA). Overexpressed genes generate ...
This study generated two million short DNA sequences, known as signature sequences or sequence tags, to identify and quantify both known and novel small RNA molecules. with the Breaking Science News ...
We also offer RNA integrity, DNA fragment and sequencing library analysis using our Bioanalyser. Initially set up as an Affymetrix-accredited laboratory to run an Affymetrix Gene Chip Microarray ...
The Multiomics Facility provides Nanopore sequencing and Nanostring multiplex, amplification-free analysis of up to 800 RNA, DNA, or protein targets. The facility has several years of experience as an ...