NASA unveils a personal aircraft called the "Puffin." Joe Pappalardo of Popular Mechanics join's Martha Maccallum on America's Newsroom with more. Video courtesy of Fox News.
Recent rhetoric about the United States taking over Canada reminds us that we have been through this before. Border conflicts ...
The birds spend most of their lives in the open ocean. Observing birds at sea is nearly impossible, so much about puffins remains a mystery. Ecologists like Erpur Snær Hansen, who leads a team at the ...
View the most popular Photo of the Day images from 2010, featuring a tiger in India, the cliffs of Moher, a sunset over Wakawau Bay, a puffin, penguins, a jet flying over a St. Maarten beach ...
You won’t find a puffin honking or trumpeting soon and if ... They also swim much faster. Flying: Penguins are obviously flightless birds despite having little winglike things on the sides ...