A study of 1.6 million seniors reveals Paxlovid does not significantly reduce COVID-19 hospitalizations or deaths in ...
When COVID-19 vaccines rolled out, public health officials largely followed a simple logic: protect the most vulnerable first ...
Since the start of the year, the region has seen a spread of viruses and other respiratory illnesses. Western Massachusetts ...
We’re in the heart of flu season, and it’s important to be mindful of how we choose to stay healthy. The CDC recommends ...
Eileen Yam and Giancarlo Pasquini contributed to this chapter. Five years after the pandemic began, Americans largely see ...
CDC holds that vaccines are a safe, effective way to protect your health and prevent the spread of flu, COVID, measles. What ...
The story of a 12-year-old girl whose family claimed she was denied a heart transplant for being unvaccinated has caught the ...
Higher averages of national hospital occupancy could mean tens to hundreds of thousands of excess deaths in the future, ...
COVID-19 revealed weaknesses in our pandemic response plans and sowed distrust in science. Can we get it back?
By disparaging public-health methods and discrediting vaccines, the COVID‑19 minimizers cost hundreds of thousands of people ...