resulting in the potentiation of synapses within the barrel cortical column that receives input from the remaining whisker. They demonstrated that administering an NMDAR antagonist during the ...
Three decades and 6,000 papers since the term was first coined, scientists are still debating the mechanisms of long-term potentiation (LTP). 1 Defined in 1973 as an increase in synaptic strength ...
Three of the subjects (N-20, N-22, N-23) were normal adult men, eighteen to fifty-two years of age. One patient (P-1) was a fifty-eight-year-old man with coronary-artery disease. The other (P-3 ...
Long-term potentiation increases the ability of the relevant synapses to communicate, while long-term depression of synaptic transmission reduces the activity of certain synapses in the hippocampus.