After successful compilation, a shared object file e.g. on Linux should be present in the external/build/bin directory. Monomials: Individual terms of a polynomial defined by ...
This principle allows for the treatment of various special polynomials as ordinary monomials, leading to the discovery of relevant orthogonality properties and generalized forms[4]. Finally ...
A polynomial P(x) is a sum of monomials of the variable x. This project uses object oriented paradigm to define and implement a class that represents a polynomial and has the following: ...
Abstract: The study of congruences (mod p) for sparse polynomials in one variable arises in several contexts and an important special case occurs when differences between exponents of the monomials ...
we show that many usual polynomial ideals never have the Gordon–Lewis property. In some cases we even obtain that the monomial basic sequence can never be unconditional. Analogous problems for ...