Urban particles shape climate by influencing clouds and radiation. Vertical monitoring reveals overlooked impacts.
1998). For years, scientists have argued that sprawling urban and suburban development patterns are creating negative impacts including habitat fragmentation, water and air pollution, increased ...
The United States has made remarkable progress in fighting air pollution since implementing the Clean Air Act in 1970, with emissions of major pollutants ...
BC Global Observatory uncovers striking economic and human cost in first continent-wide study of far-reaching impacts of air pollution Furthermore, air pollution is costing African countries billions ...
A global study reveals rising lung cancer rates among never-smokers, linked to air pollution, particularly concerning for heavily polluted nations like India.
With an accurate understanding of pollution patterns, the city could identify –and prosecute – major polluters, plan the location of future roads and settlements, and tailor intervention ...
Pollution-related deaths numbered 1.67 million in 2019, according to a new report led by Boston College researchers. Economic losses were in the billions. Pollution takes many forms in India, ...
Cadmium and lead concentrations were also higher than the recommended World Health Organization and United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization guidelines. These high metal concentrations reflect ...