Lattakia, SANA_ With the great development of our societies and the appearance of plastic ... generations. Straw industry or straw weaving is an ancient folk art that has retained its originality ...
Plastic straws are making a comeback. Karrie Laughton has two words for them: Suck it. The co-owner of paper-straw company Roc Paper Straws put the phrase on a sipper she designed last month ...
President Donald Trump is known to drink many Diet Cokes, but one thing you’re not likely to ever see him using again is a paper straw. “We’re going back to plastic straws,” Trump ...
On a boat off Costa Rica, a biologist uses pliers from a Swiss army knife to try to extract a plastic straw from a sea turtle’s nostril. The turtle writhes in agony, bleeding profusely.
KAMAKURA, Kanagawa Prefecture--For third-grader Yuki Harasawa, a video on YouTube about plastic waste was the last straw. She decided there and then to stop using plastic straws provided during ...
US President Donald Trump recently announced that he has decided to overturn the Biden administration's decision to halt plastic straw purchases by 2027. "Back to plastic!", Trump wrote ...