Want to stay current with Arthur’s writing? Sign up to get an email every time a new column comes out. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius was born in Rome around the year 475 C.E. A learned man ...
Her superpowers as a philosopher sprung out of the frustration at getting her thoughts and herself across to people who ...
"The thing that attracted me to philosophy was the versatility of it," said the Patagonia-born senior from Newton, the 2002 Romero Scholarship winner. "It teaches you to understand the human character ...
To confront the questions and challenges in life that have no easy answers requires, in Kant’s words, the courage to use one’s own understanding. Our mission in the Philosophy Department at Miami ...
Everyone who has taken a philosophy class knows how the tone of the classroom changes when that one kid chimes in with his ...
The Perspectives Program is a multi-year core program that offers courses for students who want to develop integrated answers to life’s enduring questions ... The Perspectives Program currently offers ...
As a philosophy major, you will learn to ask big questions about all aspects of life. From considering the nature of the universe and contemplating good and evil to studying the basic components of ...
When philosophy professor Jennifer Lackey lectures on the death penalty in her ethics class, it’s not just theoretical for her students. Some of them spent many years, even decades, on death row ...
The Japanese philosophy 'shikata ga nai', meaning 'it cannot be helped', teaches acceptance of life's uncontrollable events. Embracing this mindset reduces stress and anxiety, helping individuals ...