CPU 采用Intel Mobile Pentium II 300MHz处理器,在所有商用计、电子商务、Internet通讯、图象处理等领域提供无与比拟的性能,芯片内集成256KB二级缓存,同时处理多种任务,拥有强大的多媒体性能、通信和3D应用。 内存 内存标准配置64MB EDO DRAM,可扩展至128MB。应多任务 ...
CPU 采用了Intel最新的处理器Intel Mobile Pentium II 400MHz。在电子商务、因特网通信、PC图象处理等商用计算领域提供无可比拟的性能。内嵌二级缓寸,能够同时处理多种任务,充分展示多媒体、通讯和三维图形处理等应用。 内存 内存标准配置64MB SDRAM,可扩展至256MB。
The successor to the Pentium Pro from Intel. Pentium II refers to the CPU chip or the PC that uses it. Code-named Klamath, the Pentium II was a Pentium Pro with MMX multimedia instructions.
A Pentium II CPU chip or to a PC that uses it. The term is also used for non-Intel CPUs that are Pentium II compatible, such as the K6 from AMD and the 6x86MX from Cyrix. See P6 class and Pentium.