根据美国疾病控制与预防中心提供的最新数据,估计美国新诊断的艾滋病毒感染者中 19% 是 13 至 24 岁的年轻人,只有 6% 的高中生接受过艾滋病毒检测。几乎一半感染艾滋病毒的年轻人并不知道自己感染了艾滋病毒。
Impaired antibody response in an AIDS patient compromised the accuracy of the test. The OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test has transformed HIV testing from a cumbersome process to a rapid ...
The Test: The OraQuick Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test was originally approved for use in whole blood in November 2002 and received a CLIA waiver for expanded use in this setting in January 2003.
The test could be a solution for countries that wish to adopt self-testing strategies for HIV. Pooling data from five worldwide databases, an international team of researchers found that Oraquick ...
Ebony House and Native American Pathways will use the OraQuick HIV test, allowing students to receive results in 20 to 30 minutes. "When people know their status, they can engage in safer sex ...
OraQuick is a screening test for HIV-1, the virus that causes AIDs. It is a single-use qualitative immunoassay that detects antibodies to HIV-1 in a finger stick sample of blood. “Kemsa supplied ...