Central Ohioans, on the other hand, were seen as having little to no accent, averaging around 20 to 25. Northern Ohio fell somewhere in-between, at about 50. As it turned out, researchers found ...
So, you know, we thought that that's how that would go. But what we did was we checked whether people who said “Oh, hey, people in this part of Ohio have an accent,” and we saw whether they were the ...
根据监管文件显示,Park Ohio Holdings Corp (NASDAQ: PKOH )董事Edward F. Crawford近期出售了该公司普通股。3月12日,Crawford共计出售23,500股,交易总额约为48.661万美元。每股售价在21.3404美元至21.8864美元之间。此次出售发生之际,该股票正在52周低点21.00美元附近交易,过去六个月内下跌超过25%。根据 ...