“One big difference is that whales are often traveling thousands of miles across ocean basins–great whales undertake the ...
Between 15 million and 6 million years ago, deepening of Earth’s ocean basins may have caused a sea level change of similar magnitude, but in the opposite direction. (Image credit: NASA) ...
Beneath the Indian Ocean lies a 106-meter gravity hole, caused by ancient mantle plumes and vanished oceans. Scientists trace ...
However, sea level change also occurs over millions of years as geological processes gradually reshape Earth's ocean basins and change their total storage volume. Colleen Dalton and colleagues ...
chemicals and biology across these ocean basins. The researchers used Australia’s fastest supercomputer and climate simulator, GADI, located at Access National Research Infrastructure in Canberra.
A new study analyzed nearly four decades of deep ocean observations to reveal significant cooling and freshening of deep water in the Subtropical ...
including some that flow toward the western sides of the ocean basins. The currents hug the eastern coasts of continents as they head north or south from the equator: These are the western ...
Arctic sea ice reached its lowest monthly extent for February at 8% below average, the third consecutive month in which the sea ice extent set a record for the corresponding month ...
As seawater creeps further into coastlines, salt threatens to pollute the freshwater reserves that people depend on. But this ...