If you’ve been online or wandered one of these beaches, you may have noticed a resurgence of what feels like an all-too ...
The toxic algae bloom off Southern California’s coast is not only sickening sea lions and birds, it’s also killing dolphins.
Sea lions, dolphins and birds are sick and dying because of a toxic algae bloom in Southern California—and animal care ...
A marine rescuer tells us the animals are being poisoned by a harmful algal bloom offshore from Southern California.
Toxic algae bloom is wreaking havoc on the Southern California coast, especially in local sea lions, causing seizures, ...
As the toxin builds up in their system, it is causing all sorts of different issues, from disorientation to seizures, and ...
Hundreds of sea lions have been rescued – including one brutal attack on a surfer – during historic toxic algae bloom in ...
Domoic acid poisoning is stranding marine mammals as warnings are issued to beachgoers of the threat posed by animals that ...
An investigation has been launched on the Fleurieu Peninsula after authorities euthanised 50 sick kangaroos close to a toxic ...
There's been a recent increase in the number of sea lions becoming sick along the California coast. Marine biologists say the ...