More and more parents are becoming aware of tongue ties and lip ties these days, often wondering if they could cause any issues with breastfeeding. But according to many experts, these worries are ...
After talking to family, friends and searching social media, someone mentions your baby may have a tongue-tie. Could this be the answer? What is tongue-tie? Tongue-tie (or ankyloglossia ...
There is increasing media interest about surgical procedures on new babies for tongue tie. Some hail it as a miracle cure, others view it as barbaric treatment, though adverse outcomes are rare.
On taking the baby to our own paediatrician she said it was not necessary immediately and has said nothing about it since. Is this condition called tongue tied? And if so what is the usual procedure?
As a laser frenectomy specialist, Dr. Allie has successfully treated hundreds of babies with oral restrictions (tongue-ties and lip-ties). Aside from being the most experienced release provider in ...
TABBY (Tongue-tie and Breastfed Babies) Assessment tool was produced in response to requests to translate the BTAT. This simple picture version of the BTAT aids and enhances consistent assessment of ...
What you describe is almost certainly a tongue tie. The medical term for this is ankyloglossia inferior. The underside of your baby's tongue is attached by a small slip of skin called a frenulum ...