For example, Notch signaling singles out individual neural precursors from clusters of cells with neural potential. Loss of Notch signaling therefore causes excess neural differentiation. A second ...
This article delves into the theoretical roles of these peptides in brain research and discusses the directions in which they ...
A new study in the peer-reviewed journal Stem Cells and Development describes the development of a co-culture system of ...
A new study in the peer-reviewed journal Stem Cells and Development describes the development of a co-culture system of neural organoids generated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) ...
A new study in the peer-reviewed journal Stem Cells and Development describes the development of a co-culture system of ...
Hippocampal replay, which is implicated in memory formation and planning, exhibits a reward-dependent spatial specificity that in novel environments requires dopamine signaling.
But now Bowen Tan, Kristina Hedbacker, and other researchers in Friedman's Laboratory of Molecular Genetics have discovered a neural mechanism involved in leptin resistance-and ... Similarly, most ...
The researchers used fiber photometry systems to detect neurotransmitters, which involved injecting the mice with fluorescent ...
The elective core modules cover basics of neuroscience. These are divided into three categories: systems neuroscience, neural computation and theoretical neurosciences, and neurotechnologies and ...