The rules of netball are pretty straightforward, and fall into two basic categories: minor (or "technical") rules and major rules. If a player breaks a minor rule the opposition is awarded a free pass ...
Whether you are playing at school, with a local club or at international level you will have to get used to an umpire making sure you stick to the rules! Professional games will often have two umpires ...
In a game of netball there are two clear ways to score points: In open play, if a shot is successfully scored from inside the goal circle, the team gains one point. If the team is awarded a ...
A new season of Super Netball is almost upon us. In 2024, the league will feature a new team, as well as some new rules. The Sporting News breaks down some of the key changes ahead of this year's ...
New rules saw more suspensions dished out in one round of netball's ANZ Premiership on the weekend, than across an entire typical season. But netball officials believe it won't be long before ...
The announcement of these new rules comes just over a week before what organisers are calling 'Netball Super League 2.0' begins. It is a pivotal moment for the sport as it hopes to gain more fans ...
The inaugural Netball Super Cup took place on the weekend before the new NSL season The Netball Super League has had a revamp. There are new teams, new rules, and a new venue for the Grand Final.