Then in 1862 the United States introduced the Monitor, with a revolving turret housing two very heavy guns, which touched off debate over the superiority of the turreted or the broadside design.
The turret of the USS Monitor is in the middle of preservation, and has been in a tank for several years. It’s a tight squeeze, but take a look inside a tank that sits a piece of Naval history ...
As the first of its kind ever to be installed on a ship, the Monitor’s 115-ton revolving gun turret represented a major technological advancement that changed the course of naval architecture ...
How Does Naval Combat in Pirate Yakuza Work ... two cannons on the right and left sides of the ship and a machine gun turret at the front of it. When sailing in the open waters, random enemy ...
From a brand-new period drama themed film tour to fun-filled family days out, classical and film music concerts, the ...
Seen by millions from the outside, but hardly ever from the inside, a couple of years ago, it became possible to climb up ...