30. -- That the automobilists who would take part in the race from New York to Paris would be compelled to withstand severe cold if they should go through Canada and Alaska in Winter, as advised ...
For a remote vacation that's both undeniably gorgeous and environmentally conscious, this Alaskan resort is a one-of-a-kind ...
A new U.S. military manual defines the survival and tactical needs of fighting a war in the Arctic and extreme cold weather ...
The ultimate nature escape in the USA has to be Alaska - a state with arguably the most unique landscape, culture, and climate to the rest of the country. From glaciers to fjords, and lakes to forests ...
Alaska's glacial rivers are an adventure junkie's dream come true! Explore the region's awe-inspiring natural beauty with these melting-glacier-fed rivers that make for a thrilling rafting and kayakin ...
Workers line up for a meal, National Archives Most of the men had never been exposed to weather as cold as Alaska's ... Because of the mobile nature of their work, the men were without comforts ...
3, Alaska State Troopers were dispatched to the small village of Venetie when after receiving alerts that two children had arrived at a neighbor’s house and were suffering from cold-related ...
It is common knowledge that Arctic cleanup work is challenging and expensive. Long distances, hard-to-access areas, scattered ...