This is an unfair trade-off, but most buyers swallow their bitterness since it's an easier choice than forking out more cash ...
Crucial 英睿达美光 T700 Pro 1TB SSD 固态硬盘,它具备 1TB 的大容量,采用 M.2 接口,兼容台式机和笔记本。其读取速度高达 11700MB/s,能极大地提升数据传输效率,让您的系统启动、软件加载和文件读写都瞬间完成。 在性能方面,NVMe PCIe 5.0*4 接口相比 4.0 具有显著优势。首先,5.0 的带宽更高,能够实现更快的数据传输速度,大幅缩短数据处理时间。
快科技1月26日消息,银昕推出ECM40扩展卡,这是一款PCIe 4.0 x16接口的SSD扩展卡,可支持四块NVMe M.2 SSD。 ECM40扩展卡的外观为黑色,运用了铝材质,整体尺寸为147.74mm(宽) x 21.59mm(高) x 181mm(深),单槽厚度,重量为501克。 其采用了TPS56221DQPT控制芯片,提供了四个M.2 SSD插槽,支持22 x 30 mm、22 x ...
中关村 在线消息,全球领先的创新NAND闪存解决方案提供商Solidigm日前宣布,将进一步拓展与博通公司在大容量固态硬盘(SSD)控制器领域的合作,以更好地支持AI和数据密集型工作负载持续发展的需求。
The price for large solid-state drives has plummeted in recent years, and even though they're still quite variable, it's still possible to get a really good NVMe SSD for relatively little money.
The Satechi Stand & Hub with SSD Enclosure is now available to purchase. This is an upgrade of their best-selling hub that ...
If you bought one of Apple's new Mac mini M4s, you might be waiting for the recently announced Satechi Mac Mini M4 Stand & Hub to start shipping. Well, the wait is over!
It’s an excellent improvement on the first version of the hub and the upgrade to an M.2 NVMe SSD slot means you can fit faster drives to work with your mini or Studio Mac. On the underside of ...