NHS England is the administrative body which manages how health services up and down the country are run. It is made up ...
Every penny we spend on hardware is a penny less to spend on patient outcomes,' says digital director and CISO Deryck Mitchelson Deryck Mitchelson, director of digital and CISO at NHS Scotland ...
THE SNP must cut NHS Scotland’s record waiting lists to boost the nation’s economy, Labour Scottish secretary Ian Murray has said. Speaking at an event at the University of Edinburgh on Friday focused ...
The SNP believe that the NHS is our most important public resource and we will do everything we can to ensure that it is properly funded and protected as a public service. We will always keep Scotland ...
Under the SNP our NHS will always remain in public hands. SNP MPs will propose a new law to explicitly protect the NHS in Scotland, Wales and England, and ‘Health & Social Care in Northern Ireland’, ...