While Duonychus tsogtbaatari had formidable claws, they were likely used to grasp vegetation, according to a study of a fully ...
An international team of paleontologists and Earth scientists has identified fossilized remains as a two-clawed therizinosaur ...
Paleontologists unearthed the fossil in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, and the find is unique because of a sheath preserved on one ...
Scientists found this therizinosaur had only two fingers on each hand, with 30-centimeter claws used to grasp branches and ...
Millions of years later, fossilized remains are now revealing the story of a giant, clawed dinosaur that once dominated the ...
Trafigura's top executive in Mongolia, who has been suspended while a billion-dollar fraud scheme at the Swiss trading house ...
Scientists have discovered a new species of dinosaur in Mongolia's Gobi Desert. Called Duonychus tsogtbaatari, the dinosaur ...
Bank lenders to commodity trader Trafigura lost no money on the $1.1 billion Mongolia fraud discovered by the company because ...
A new species of dinosaur named Duonychus tsogtbaatari has been discovered by scientists, and unlike other therizinosaurs, ...
Mongolia still has many untapped sectors such as in clean energy and critical minerals, says its Deputy Prime Minister Togmid ...
A state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant in Ordos, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, has developed an innovative ...