In this environment, William Kelly devised a new process for refining iron. Kelly’s invention used chemical reactions to remove impurities in molten pig iron, a crude form of iron, and reduce the fuel ...
A A A are the conical converting vessels i nto which the molten pig iron is rece i ved, and i n t o which the air is forced", fo r refi n i n g p ur poses. T h ey ire se c ured in a very strong ...
The mention of iron and steel making usually conjures up images of huge blast furnaces in which molten raw (pig) iron glows white-red, bubbling gently. Once it has reached the correct temperature and ...
[Sir Henry Bessemer]’s method for turning pig iron into steel was a great ... Basically, oxygen is blown through molten iron to burn out the impurities. The silicon and manganese burn first ...
At higher temperatures, the iron would absorb more carbon, melt, and result in a molten metal called cast or pig iron. Though the use of iron was already widespread in Europe and North America ...
The molten iron could then be made into steel ... to develop the HISmelt technology to turn low-grade iron ore into pig iron for use in steel production. It was dubbed the biggest research ...