Mimikyu Weaknesses and Strengths Since Mimikyu is a Ghost and Fairy-type, be cautious when pitting it against Ghost, and Steel-type Pokemon. However, Mimikyu will be able to deal a decent amount ...
Isn’t that just the saddest thing you’ve ever heard? Poor little Mimikyu is an interesting Pokémon, though, sporting a dual ghost/fairy type that makes it tricky to hit, as it’s immune to normal, ...
This piece imagined a Mimikyu disguised as a Scizor, and it pulled off the concept perfectly, making it look as if the creature was wearing clothes that resembled the Bug/Steel-type Pokemon as it ...
GameStop and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet debuted a special event Mimikyu last year, boasting the Electric Tera Type as an homage to the Pokemon that inspired its costume. Mimikyu has also been ...