He seemed like a jumble of things: anxious, numb, angry, regretful… but then you'd see a flicker of hope in there somewhere. Before delving into his experiences with the Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK), a ...
MEK cheered the 1979 hostage crisis ... to have rebranded itself as a “pro-democracy” force, but its internal structure resembles a dictatorial cult. Members are subjected to psychological ...
Recent reports indicate that 150 U.S. lawmakers are aligning themselves with the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an organization with a well-documented history of terrorism, betrayal, and political ...
His presentation will focus on PAS-004, a next-generation macrocyclic MEK inhibitor being developed for neurofibromatosis type 1 and other cancer treatments. Lazarus will share interim data from ...
MEK cheered the 1979 hostage crisis ... to have rebranded itself as a “pro-democracy” force, but its internal structure ...