Exclusive: Alex Scharfman unpacks each of the real-life “Unicorn Tapestries” and how they inspired the look, story, ...
Death Of A Unicorn uses the real life Unicorn Tapestries as a major aspect of its lore, but also makes some creative ...
Medieval art is full of unicorns. One famous example is the series of tapestries known as the Lady and the Unicorn, which now hang in the Musée Cluny in Paris. And the artworks have an unexpected ...
In the New York City bedroom of the interior designer Billy Cotton, a verdure tapestry that he found at a Paris flea market acts as a headboard. John Bigelow Taylor A rare wool-and-silk panel ...
He even found his way back to those Hunt of the Unicorn tapestries he saw as a child: “I became interested in the specific medieval unicorn mythology, and then [those tapestries] quickly came to ...