1. Time passed. The elder prince was 16 years of age. Venerable Veedagama Thera, got down the prince. The army chiefs were also asked to come to the temple. By this time, the clergy too had lost ...
And the soothsayers, when they saw the seats prepared, foretold: ‘The earth is occupied by these (bhikkus); they will be lords upon the island.’ – Mahavamsa–IV:53.
Undoubtedly, Mahavamsa focuses essentially on the Sinhala-Buddhists. What else could historian Mahanama do writing in the 5 th century? What else was there for him to write about at the time? He ...
1. Fighting valiantly, Prince Sapumal was able to crush whatever force that he faced. As he advanced, the enemy soldiers who were losing were retreating to Jaffna. Prince Sapumal, went as far as ...
Nagadipa or Naka-diva was the ancient name of the Jaffna peninsula. It is first mentioned in the Pali chronicles of Ceylon in connection with the story of the Buddha's second visit to Sri Lanka in the ...
Nagadipa or Naka-diva was the ancient name of the Jaffna peninsula. It is first mentioned in the Pali chronicles of Ceylon in connection with the story of the Buddha's second visit to Sri Lanka in the ...