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Magnetically confined plasmas are those plasmas that are trapped using magnetic fields. Magnetic fields can prevent high-temperature plasma coming into contact with solid materials that it could ...
In AIP Advances researchers at the SIAT Magnetic Soft Microrobots Lab have developed an innovative solution using a magnetically driven robotic microscrew to treat fallopian tube blockages.
This is called induced magnetism. Substances that can be permanently magnetised are described as magnetically hard. These are often alloys of iron, nickel and cobalt. Substances that can only be ...
A sculpture that fuses both science and wonderment will be unveiled as part of Tallahassee's effort to cement its status as the "Magnetic Capital of the World." The piece — a magnetic-powered ...
The magnetically levitating sculpture “Maggie” is revealed during the 2025 Motor, Drive Systems and Magnetics Conference at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025.