Apple's iconic "1984" commercial, which introduced the Macintosh computer to the world, aired 41 years ago today during Super ...
Playing on the dystopian theme of George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984), the commercial shows an athletic woman ...
The original Macintosh Plus was launched in 1984 to follow the Lisa ... It shipped as an all-in-one design, which placed the computer inside a housing with a compact CRT display.
A family of desktop and laptop computers from Apple, introduced in 1984 as the Macintosh, which was coined from the McIntosh apple. First to popularize the graphical user interface (GUI), the ...
Apple instantly became a household name when it aired the enormously popular “1984” ad during Super Bowl XVIII. Directed by Sir Ridley Scott (the same guy behind Alien and Blade Runner) and created by ...
The Macintosh, introduced by Apple 41 years ago, revolutionized personal computing by making graphical user interfaces and point-and-click ...
In the history of computers, few are as memorable and as important to a company’s history as that of the Macintosh. Famously championed by Steve Jobs, the 1984 release of the Macintosh and its ...