Lymphangiogenesis, i.e. the development of lymphatic vessels, is generally associated with a poor prognosis, as it favours the spread of metastases to other organs. By studying the cells that make ...
The lymphatic circulation is also a key player in disease processes such as cancer metastasis ... FGF-2 stimulates both lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis. FGF-2 upregulates VEGF-C expression ...
VEGF-D knockdown in 468 LN cells resulted in a marked ... tumor-associated lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis and spontaneous metastasis to the lymph nodes and the lungs in this tumor model ...
When a tumor develops, it creates a structure around itself called the tumor stroma, within which blood and lymphatic vessels ensure nutritional and respiratory biological exchanges. Lymphangiogenesis ...
The functional lymphatic vessels transport inflammatory lymph-carrying inflammatory cells, catabolic factors and cytokines to the draining LNs and promote lymphangiogenesis, leading to an ...