在2024年泡泡网年度评选中,松下LUMIX S9全画幅微单相机凭借其出色的外观与卓越的性能表现,获得2024年泡泡网IT风向标“年度优秀产品”奖。
松下 LUMIX S9虽然看起来小巧可爱,但它配备了大型全画幅传感器,使其成为一款紧凑型无反光镜相机,可让你轻松拍摄专业照片。 ・连拍 连拍速度 ...
DoNews5月23日消息,松下22日晚间发布了全画幅便携式相机 LUMIX S9,主打内容创作市场。该相机拥有小巧靓丽的外观设计,并且搭载了松下自研的实时 ...
前不久松下正式发布了新款L卡扣无反相机LUMIX S9,相机行业的目光也都聚焦在这款入门全画幅相机上。然而根据外媒的报道,松下LUMIX S9官网的宣传 ...
which was introduced in the recently released Lumix S9. This common video feature, found in most on-camera monitors, provides aspect ratio frame lines that can be displayed on the recording screen.
Let's kick off with the Lumix S9. That starts strong, with the option to remove the recording time limit in a new menu window. They've also revamped the display, allowing for up to three different ...
There's also been the Panasonic Lumix S9, which offered the next generation of the brand's technology in a compact footprint. Now, the Lumix team are back with another new camera – the Panasonic ...