TALKING in my sleep about another woman has landed me in a nightmare situation with my wife. She won’t believe I didn’t have ...
This couple adds an extra meta-enjoyment to my appointment TV. Sure, Bibb’s character, Kate, is a conservative Texan wife on ...
NEXT month, my husband, Erik, 54, and I will celebrate our twenty-first wedding anniversary, a milestone I once thought we’d never see. Because 14 years ago, I had an affair with another woman, ...
Mark Field and Liz Truss were entangled in an 18-month love affair starting in 2002. The 60-year-old politician has now ...
A white sedan dangles vertically above a dry field, the driver’s hand still on the steering wheel as she pleads, “Don’t say you love me / ‘Cause I can’t say it back.” A woman is ...
I’d love to hear your thoughts on what ... You even signed your letter “Work Affair Aftermath,” which tells me you’re still fixated on this inciting incident almost 15 years later.
A former politician has described the bombshell moment his love affair with Liz Truss finally ... Clarity came in September when Liz told me that she was staying with her husband," Mark revealed.