After complete mobilization of the left lobe of the liver, the vascular inflow and outflow of the large liver tumor were blocked by a series of mattress sutures through the entire thickness of the ...
Male sex and benign liver tumor: an a priori suspicious combination. The major risk of a benign liver tumor is … that it is not benign. Benign does not always mean without risk. To reassure a ...
5). There is some controversy as to whether the halo is composed of compressed normal liver parenchyma, new proliferating tumor, edema, a rim of hypervascularity around a metastasis, or some ...
First, the tumor was treated with TARE, a targeted radiation therapy that reduces tumor size while sparing healthy liver tissue ... Laparoscopic left hemihepatectomy using the Arantius-first ...
Soejima Y (2006) Feasibility of left lobe living donor liver transplantation between adults: an 8-year, single-center experience of 107 cases. Am J Transplant 6: 1004–1011 Although adult-to ...
Treatment with thermal ablation was noninferior to surgical resection in small-size colorectal liver metastases, according to the COLLISION trial.
The frequencies are tumor-specific, meaning they selectively block the growth of tumor cells in the liver and its metastases ... number of hours and minutes left and have an exact measurement ...