Women outlive men by something of a long shot: In the United States, women have a life expectancy of about 80, compared with ...
Your emotional support Coke might be shaving years off your life, according to a study which found you can lose 12 minutes ...
Chihuahua are the smallest dog breed but do have healthy bodies with a lifespan up to 14-16 years. Dachshunds are long bodied and have a nickname Wiener dogs having a life expectancy of 14-16 years.
Regular walking, even in small amounts, can greatly enhance longevity and overall health, according to recent studies ...
The Northern Territory government is planning to extend the life of an almost four-decade-old gas-fired power station, as it ...
A Santa Ana man has been sentenced for molesting the young sons of family friends for a span of over 20 years, officials ...