Leon's famous one-liners are truly one of a kind... but they also bring a certain level of cringe that we can't help but love ...
近日,备受玩家期待的《生化危机9》再度传来重磅消息:经典角色里昂·肯尼迪(Leon Kennedy)确定将回归,并担任本作的主角。这一消息由卡普空公司正式公布,让广大《生化危机》系列的粉丝欢呼雀跃。
Insider Dusk Golem has stated that Leon S. Kennedy will be the main character in Resident Evil 9, debunking previous murmurs of Jill Valentine taking the lead role.
Leon S. Kennedy has enemies who despise him for his loyalty to the government and his ability to ruin their plans. Characters like Krauser and Simmons turned against Leon due to personal ...
Leon S. Kennedy, the protagonist of various Resident Evil games, including RE2 and, more recently, the RE4 remake, will also be leading the next mainline installment, RE9, it’s claimed.