His version of the unicorn also had a long horn in the middle of its forehead ... Then, go inside the legend of the jackalope, the mythical horned rabbit of the American West.
Hot off of ‘Risky Business,’ the 22-year-old actor played a child of the forest tasked with saving the mythical horned creatures in ‘Legend.’ By Ryan Gajewski Senior Entertainment Reporter ...
In 'Death of a Unicorn,' debuting director Alex Scharfman offers an amusingly dark take on one of the most beloved (and least ...
A spokeswoman for the Scotch Whisky Experience said: “According to myth and legend, unicorns are ... A newly sculpted horn for one of the unicorn sculptures on Edinburgh's Scotch Whisky ...
So like… a unicorn is just a horse with a horn, right? Sure, the mythical beasts are often associated with other supernatural features in the cryptozoological canon ...
That was true of both “The Last Unicorn” and Ridley Scott’s “Legend” back in the ’80s ... pony-sized steed by touching its glowing horn. It’s a moment of bonding rudely interrupted ...