Greek can admittedly be a difficult language to learn. I was raised in a Greek immigrant household, and I've lived in Athens for almost three decades. Yet, I still make plenty of mistakes.
Who were the ancient Greeks? Discover different ancient Greek cities and find out how they were ruled. How did the Olympic Games begin? Learn how the Olympic Games began over 2,700 years ago!
There are five fraternities and seven sororities on Hope's campus. Most are local, with the exception of one national organization. On May 12, 1957, a new Greek organization emerged among a growing ...
Greek cities had beautiful temples with stone columns and statues, and open-air theatres where people sat to watch plays. Image caption, Ancient Greek ruins of the Temple of Apollo and theatre in ...
It’s strange to think that so many of us mythological obsessives first got the itch to learn more about the fascinating ...
Though these plans are welcome, the UK government could learn from their Greek counterparts on how to transform an economy, with the Greek economy being the fastest growing in Europe in the years ...
Schoolcraft College offers classes on its Livonia campus to teach how to make Greek Islands desserts and dark chocolate. Culinary instructor George Rapitis shows us how to make rice pudding and an ...